Wednesday, January 11, 2023

What you have to do

Hi everyone,
Here’s what you have to do for the Muscular Dystrophy awareness challenge.  

The challenge is actually very simple to do, and it’s pretty fun. Basically, all you do is sit in a chair (because it’s a little slippery) and have someone record you putting your bare feet into a tub of shaving cream. Or you can donate to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Then challenge 3 of your friends to do a video of it (or donate) within 3 days or whenever they can. Here’s a general idea of what to say, but it doesn’t have to be exactly this.

Hi, I’m ____! I’m doing Mike Riley’s Shaving Cream challenge to raise awareness for Muscular Dystrophy. It’s easy. All you have to do is put your bare feet in shaving cream or donate to the MD Association. I’m challenging ___, ___, and ___ please try to do this in 3 days. Let’s go viral! Also, please sit when you put your feet in because it’s slippery.

(Please feel free to dedicate this to someone who you know suffers from MD or in memory of someone who had the disease.)

I know I said on my last Blogger post I said that the shaving cream is slippery and simulates what it’s like to not have control of your legs. But in order to keep the challenge safe and fun, please make sure you are sitting down when you put your feet into the shaving cream. I just don’t want you to fall and get hurt❤.  .  

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