Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Why my challenge is feet in shaving cream

Explaining why the challenge is what it is.

Hi everyone, I imagine some of you probably wonder why my Muscular Dystrophy challenge is feet in shaving cream and what exactly it has to do with Muscular Dystrophy. I know many people misunderstand the challenge and when they see feet are involved, they automatically assume that it’s some kind of fetish thing under the guise of raising awareness. I can tell everyone right now that it’s definitely NOT! I actually discussed this in one of my other blogs but I would just like to explain the whole thing in its own blog post. 

Why is your challenge putting your feet in shaving cream?

Well, this is a good question and one that people should ask me first and allow me to explain before assuming that the challenge is for fetish purposes. So I chose putting feet into shaving cream because it’s something easy to do for everyone, including the disabled. When the Ice Bucket challenge came out, no one like me could do it. A. We have life support and mobility equipment that will be damaged if it gets wet. B. Some of us, including myself, are sensitive to cold temperatures and can get sick if we get drenched in ice water. So I wanted something that wouldn’t be anywhere near our faces or too close to our machines. Putting our feet into something was the best option. It’s not much of a challenge, I know. If anything, it’s something fun yet simple to raise awareness that is inclusive. But I want everyone to do it this way. I don’t want anyone to put their own spin on things or putting shaving cream in faces. Because that’s been done to death and I also have an irrational fear of things on faces. Keep it simple and just put your feet in! It’s a lot easier to clean.

What does the challenge have to do with Muscular Dystrophy?

It really has nothing to do with Muscular Dystrophy. Like I said in the last question, I just created it as a fun, simple, and unique way to raise awareness that everyone, including people who are physically disabled, can take part in. I guess you could say that the slipperiness of the shaving cream kinda simulates how unstable you feel trying to stand up in the early stages of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy when we began losing our ability to walk. But I rarely mention that part for the sole reason (no pun intended) that I don’t want anyone to stand up and then fall and get injured. So if you do the challenge, sit! I have to say it’s a pretty satisfying experience!

Why does it look like only girls are doing it?

It looks like it, doesn’t it? Fact is women are much more likely to do it than men. I ask everyone to do it. Men, Women, and kids. I don’t just ask women. Guys are usually like “my girlfriend/wife/etc, will do it". But they themselves usually chicken out. But again, the challenge is open to everyone of every age. Kids have so much fun with it, but adults enjoy it too. 

In Conclusion.

Don’t assume something and judge another person because you don’t understand something. It’s harmless fun, and it makes someone who doesn’t have much they can physically do happy. This challenge is really important to me and I want more people to take part in it, so it goes viral.

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