Saturday, September 23, 2023

Footprints in Mashed Potatoes: Sensory Therapy for your feet👣

Hi everyone,

I want to share a fun sensory therapy activity I've been exploring since 2019. It involves putting your feet into different substances, similar to "sensory walks" done in some preschools. This idea stemmed from my shaving cream challenge, and my Occupational Therapist thinks it's great.
How to do it:
Fill a tub or aluminum pan with your chosen substance - it can be food-related or inedible like shaving cream, slime, mud, or spa gel. The most important safety rule is to always sit in a chair while doing this activity. This is crucial to prevent slipping, as some substances can be very slippery. Sitting ensures you stay safe while enjoying the experience.

Once seated, remove your shoes and socks, and immerse your feet in the substance. Describe the sensation you feel. I recommend trying various textures for a diverse experience. If indoors, have a towel and water tub ready; if outdoors, choose a warm day with access to a hose. We've used pancake mix, mashed potatoes, cool whip, jello, pudding, marshmallow fluff, mud, slime, shaving cream, and spa gel for jelly pedicures. Feel free to use whatever you prefer, but always prioritize safety.

Purpose and benefits:
This activity serves as sensory therapy, stimulating the sensitive nerves in your feet. It can improve circulation and sensation, especially with warm substances. Benefits include reducing pain, inflammation, stress, and improving sleep. It's particularly helpful for those with damaged foot nerves or autism, but anyone can benefit. It's like a spa treatment or massage, potentially great for skin health too.

Personal experience and mental health aspects:
After surgery on my feet when I was a teenager, some nerves in the soles of my feet were damaged. This left them extremely sensitive to touch, yet paradoxically numbed them to where I couldn't feel soft or squishy sensations on the bottom of my feet. This therapy has been instrumental in helping restore more normal sensation. Recently, I began seeing a mental health counselor for depression. They enthusiastically support this activity, urging me to involve others. It's important for my happiness and mental health, and it benefits those who participate too. Research shows it's particularly calming for individuals with anxiety and ADHD.

Initially, I started this activity with my best friend Kayla. Doing this with her was extremely important to me, and I was so happy to share the experience. She enjoyed it too, which made it even more special. Unfortunately, we had to stop because her partner at the time was uncomfortable with it and refused to understand or tolerate her doing it. This made me feel like I was doing something wrong, like I was a freak. The whole experience left me feeling hurt and misunderstood. It made me hesitant to continue or ask others, fearing they might react similarly.

However, I decided to give it another try and was pleasantly surprised by the positive reception. I shared about it on social media, and many people were supportive and eager to try it. This helped me realize that there was nothing wrong with the activity or with me for enjoying it.

Who can participate:
Everyone is welcome, though girls tend to be more receptive than guys. Kids especially love it for the sensory experience and the chance to make a mess. My physical and occupational therapists, as well as teachers and healthcare workers, endorse this as both physical and mental therapy.

In conclusion, this activity has been a source of joy, social connection, and therapeutic benefit for me. The sensation of different substances squishing between your toes is incredibly satisfying and fun. That's actually one of the best parts!. It has the potential to help many others. Please just remember, always sit down to ensure safety, and enjoy exploring these delightful sensations with your feet in a comfortable setting!

Things used so far:

Mud/Fake Mud
Mashed Potatoes
Bisquick Pancake Mix
Marshmallow Fluff
Nutella (gross) (It felt good. It was soft and very thick, but getting it off was
really tough.) 
Spa Gel
Cool Whip
Shaving Cream
Mud and shaving cream combined
Spa Gel and Shaving Cream combined
Mashed potatoes and shaving cream combined
Cool Whip and Shaving Cream combined
Nutella and shaving cream combined

Any suggestions?


  1. Yes love it! I would also suggest dirt and grass! You gain the natural benefits of free ions that act as antioxidants in your system and it's also a way of "grounding" because it reduces stress, relieves pain, and improves energy! ♡♡♡♡ =}

    Love the idea of describing how it feels. Blind folding and guessing would be fun!!🤩😄

    1. Thank you so much Paige!💖 I knew you would love the idea you seem like a lot of fun! I think we definitely would have done it at least once if you were working here lol😂 If you were okay with it of course. I love the blindfold idea that would be really fun!💖😊
