Friday, September 29, 2023

The Bucket List

Hi everyone,

Everyone has a list of things they want to do or achieve in their lifetime. This is what is known as a "bucket list". About a month ago, a young man by the name of Declan, passed away from complications caused by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Dec and his mom, Alexandra, had a YouTube channel that I recently subscribed to and started watching their videos. The channel is called Decs Rolling Bucket List and it documented their completing of the activities on that list like travel destinations and meeting his favorite YouTuber among other things. Declan had a similar outlook as I do, where he made a decision to live his life to the fullest despite the illness. I found out he passed a few days after and I recently watched the Eulogy given by his best friend, his wonderful mom. Alex plans on continuing to fulfill Declans bucket list. I'm so sorry your loss Alex… It looks like the two of you had a similar relationship as my mom and I. Remember that he will always be with you in spirit and memory. May he rest in nothing but the sweetest of peace fellow Duchenne Warrior.

As you know I myself suffer from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I was diagnosed in 1983 at the age of two and given a life expectancy of 18 to 23. Somehow I'm going to be 42 in a month. While I am doing very stable and healthy and don't plan on going anywhere soon, I still have a merciless terminal illness and I don't know what the future holds. There are still a lot of things I would like to do in this life that I hope to accomplish. I fully intend to live my life to the fullest as well. Honestly, none of us really know when our times up regardless of health or illness. I think we all should work on a bucket list and try to do as much as we can. We only live once. I'm going to include my bucket list below. My mom and I plan on getting out to do things as long as I can. So here we go.

Finding love! Either a girlfriend or female companion is at the top.
Make inter-abled relationships common.
Get my Muscular Dystrophy shaving cream challenge to go viral.
Get some big celebrities to do the MDA shaving cream challenge.
Find someone to do holiday themed MDA challenge videos again with.
Get my MDA shaving cream challenge on the news channels.
Get all the reporters and anchors from all New England news channels to do the MDA shaving cream challenge.
Get more of you on my Facebook to do my MDA shaving cream challenge(Ask me about it!).
Get more people to do my sensory therapy activity/challenge with your feet(Just ask lol. It's fun!).
Invite more of my former classmates over.
Drive across Canada.
Visit Vancouver.
Visit the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Visit Yellowstone(couldn't get in last year).
Visit other National Parks in the United States and Canada.
Visit the Mall of America.
Visit San Diego Zoo again.
Visit the north side of the Grand Canyon.
Visit the 9-11 museum in NYC.
Visit the crater in Arizona.
Visit Central Park in NYC.
Go on another cruise.
Get a dog.
Get new rims for the van.
Meet my friend Jasmine in Canada(she's a artist and lead vocalist for Polarity).
Meet more celebrities. Actors, Actresses, and Musicians
Be an extra in an Alien film or one of the Walking Dead spinoffs(as a zombie because I probably wouldn't survive long in an apocalypse environment).
Feel sand and mud again. Its been a long time since I walked and for people like me who have lost the use of their legs you'd be surprised at how much we miss the ground under our feet. It's the biggest reason why my friend and I started the sensory activity.
Win a powerball jackpot
Get the cat to sit on my lap for once… Pepper you're an asshole!
Get a tattoo. That can't happen now though I'm on a blood thinner.

I guess that's it for now. A lot of these are going to be hard to accomplish because of the amount of travel involved and handicapped accessibility. I mentioned my challenge a lot lol. I just don't have anyone to do it with currently. I'll probably be adding more over time if I think of anything else.

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