Sunday, July 14, 2024

Open Heart, Open Mind: Interabled Relationships and Dating Me💘

Hi everyone, I want to talk about "Interabled Relationships" and what it would be like to date me.
An interabled relationship is a romantic partnership between a person with a disability and someone without one. These relationships are becoming increasingly common, challenging societal misconceptions about disability and demonstrating that love transcends physical limitations. Like any relationship, interabled couples support each other in various ways, with the non-disabled partner often providing physical assistance, while the disabled partner may offer unique perspectives and emotional support. 
Interabled relationships can foster greater empathy, patience, and understanding in both partners. They often require clear and open communication, which can strengthen the overall bond. These partnerships celebrate diversity, promote personal growth, and can help break down traditional gender roles, especially in caregiving dynamics. While interabled relationships may face unique challenges, they are fundamentally similar to any other romantic partnership, built on love, mutual respect, and shared experiences. 
Relationships are unique, and each person brings their own set of experiences to the table. As someone living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, I want to share what a relationship with me will look like. In this post, I'll provide an honest look at the pros and cons, my expectations, and some distinctive features that characterize a relationship with me. Whether you're curious about dating someone with a disability or simply interested in understanding different relationship dynamics, this breakdown will give you a clear picture of what to expect when dating me. My goal is to offer a candid glimpse into my world and how I approach relationships.
A Relationship with Me: What would it be like?
• I'm not controlling, and not much makes me uncomfortable, so you can do whatever you want.
• I'd treat you with respect.
• I'd show you the love and affection you deserve.
• I'd tell you that I love you and that you are beautiful.
• I'd never abuse you emotionally or physically because I can't and I wouldn't anyway.
• You can experience road trips across the country with me.
• We'd go out as much as you want.
• We'd stay in as much as you want.
• Anywhere you want to go, we'll go.
• I enjoy the outdoors.
• I will never cheat on you.
• I don't mind cuddling or public displays of affection. I might need a little help with cuddling, but I'm sure I would love it.
• It would be about you.
• I have a great dark sense of humor and will absolutely make you laugh.
• My disability doesn't slow me down much, so we would still be able to do a lot.
• I'm great with children, and they are usually fascinated by me and like to be around me. 
• The most obvious is that I'm physically disabled.
• I don't have a job, but I am on Social Security Disability.
• Certain aspects of the relationship, such as sexual contact, might be a little more challenging. However, this doesn't mean I'm not open to it.
What I expect:
Absolutely nothing aside from the basic relationship parts. We show each other respect and stay faithful. Actually, there's one other thing: I expect open communication. If something I do bothers you, please tell me so we can discuss it and I can address it. Also, if I ever tell you I don't want you doing something that you want to do or enjoy doing (that's more than likely never going to happen, lol), I want you to question my reasoning, and if the reason isn't rational, then you do it anyway. 
The only request I have is I'd like to do the shaving cream challenge with you as much as we can and engage in the similar sensory therapy activity occasionally. These are fun, bonding experiences that I enjoy. Otherwise, whatever you want to do is fine by me.

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